designed to open wine

NEXT, Heavy Duty Corkscrew Wine Opener Wine Cork Remover with Bottle Opener, 12 Set


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NEXT, Heavy Duty Corkscrew Wine Opener Wine Cork Remover with Bottle Opener, 12 Set


NEXT, Heavy Duty Corkscrew Wine Opener Wine Cork Remover with Bottle Opener, 12 Set
* Heavy Duty Corkscrew has Professional, Ergonomic Design.
* Anti-Slip Wing Handle.
* Multi-Functional Wine And Beer Opener.
* High Quality tainless steel Materials, suitable for each cork.
* Easy to Use. Open the wine bottle and beer bottle easily.
* Durable, with a good sense of hardness.
* Made of premium material for durable and practical use.
* Percect to Multiple use & A Good Gift.
* Heavy Duty Corkscrew Wine Opener with Bottle Openers for wholesale / for sale / online.

Detail information of Product
12 Set (1 Pack)

Availability: In stock
Item Code
  • Buy 2 for $32.00 each and save 12%
Our polished finished corkscrew is made with premium zinc alloy, which ensures longer durability and stronger corrosion resistance.
The lever principle applied structure saves your strength to open the wine easily.
The multi-functioning corkscrew includes a built-in bottle opener to meet all your needs, designed to open wine, beer, and other bottles with caps or corks.
Ergonomically curved lines and anti-slip grip cover contribute to a comfortable grip with less downward pressure needed. The sharp zinc alloy screw helps you rotate the corkscrew into the cork quickly.
This manual corkscrew features a winged design that makes it ideal for wine connoisseurs in the kitchen or hosting parties.
The designer Wing style of this corkscrew, makes it easy to grip the unfolding wings while drilling and allows for effective pulling while removing the cork.
Ideal for any restaurant, bar, or home for a romantic evening or just a casual drink. Buy a solid heavy duty and built to last wine corkscrew as a great hostess gift for your families or good friends.
Compact Size, conveniently put in a drawer or take it away wherever you want. Enjoy the wine anytime and anywhere you like.
A Must Have Kitchen Gadget.
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Container Type Normal